Bagaimana Cara Mengukur Pupil Distance | How to Measure Your Pupillary Distance (PD)
What is Pupillary Distance? | Apa itu PD ?
Pupillary distance (PD) measures the space between the pupils of your eyes. Knowing this measurement is important to make sure your eyes match up with the optical center of your lenses. The average adult’s PD is between 54-74; kids’ are between 43-54
PD adalah jarak pupil mata anda. Angka ini penting agar mata anda tepat berada di titik fokus dalam pemasangan lensa kacamata. Jarak rata rata orang dewasa antara 54-74mm , dan anak anak antara 43-54mm
How to Measure Your PD? | Cara mengukur PD ?
1.Stand 8 in. away from a mirror. | Berdiri tegak 20 cm dari cermin.
2.Hold a ruler againts of your eyebrow | Pegang penggaris diatas alis
3.Close your left then align the ruler’s 0 mm with the center of your right pupil.| Tutup mata kiri dan atur angka 0mm tepat di tengah pupil mata kanan
4.Look straight then close your right eye and open your left eye.| Melihat lurus kemudian tutup pata kanan dan buka mata kiri
5.The mm line that lines up to the center of your right pupil is your PD.| Ukuran yang terlihat tepat di tengah pupil mata kiri adalah ukuran PD mata anda.